Wednesday, May 28, 2008

american airlines crash

If I was on a plane that crashed, I would flip out... if I lived. There is no acceptable reason for a plane to have a faulty part that was looked over before the plane took flight. All the mechanics should be fired right away and probably everyone involved with the craft of the plane. If I wasn't on the plane, I would just be like "damn".

If I was the CEO of American Airlines or involved with public relations, I would try not to panic because that shows weakness, and a leader of a corporation needs to stay strong in all situations. First, the I would make the company come out with a public apology to all the victims and families. Second, I would have to reassure everyone that our company is still one of the best around so we don't lose any business, which is unlikely. I would either start a charity for the victims or make a large donation from American Airlines to a charity to help some cause involved with planes and/or crashes. It would be key to remind all customers of the safety and precautions our company would take to make sure that an event like this would never happen again. From that point forward, I would make sure that all of the flights used by American Airlines would go through a deep inspection to so that the chance of a tragedy of this kind developing again was extinct.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

projects and school paper

I thought that all of the projects from the class were interesting. Each had their own unique was of providing news coverage, and seemed to possess a good idea of how to go about managing their operation. The future paper I liked the most besides the one my group did was the New River Valley online, because it fit what I find important as of right now. Finding a job after college and what kind of activities to do that fit a smaller budget is a great idea.
I kinda like to read the newspaper the school sends out. Some of the stuff is interesting and lets the reader know what is going on around Radford, and some stuff i could care less about. The articles that I make sure to always read are the ones about the rugby team because we run it.
For the future, The Tartan needs to just keep doing what they are doing. I usually pick up the paper right before I walk into a class to give me something to read, and I know of a lot of other people that do the same. Maybe when technology veers us toward a virtual world, The Tartan needs to change it up a little, but a hard copy of the paper works well.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Effect of Books

honestly, the only time i ever really open up a book is when im using a text book for class. Other than that, books have never had a huge effect on my life. When I was middle/high school, I used the same book for 3 different summer book reports. One book that I did read and like was Friday Night Lights, but it was made into a movie anyway. I do sometimes like to read magazines. The ones that I most read are Maxim, ESPN, Mens Health, and Vibe, and the only time I read those are if i am stuck somewhere and have nothing else to do.
When i was a kid, nothing was ever band from me like media wise. Since I didn't read books, there was nothing to really take away. I wasn't allowed to see rated "R" movies by the law, but when I told my parents I was sneeking in to them anyways they just said "be careful." Teachers told me not to read certain things in school (internet, magazine), but that still wasn't a ban.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

MEDIA runs the world

I use the internet everyday. I watch TV and play video games more. My cell phone holds information that I need to live. Without my cell phone, I would be lost. I send/receive roughly 50 texts a day, which takes up atleast an hour out of my day reading and writing them. Yesterday, i made 3 calls, and had my phone rang 4 times, with the duration of the calls taking a half hour from my day. I use my cell phone to check the weather, see scores to games, and get directions to my destinations. It only took me 2 days to beat Block Breaker Deluxe.

When I got home yesterday from class, I sat on my couch in the same spot for near 7 hours and watched whatever was on the television. Whether it be my roommate playing MegaMan7 on Super Nintendo, or watching CashCab, or seeing LeBron and the Cavs beat the Celtics for 3 hours, my life was dedicated to media. After I played a quick game of FIFA, I got in bed and turned on the TV again to fall asleep to. Outside of class, TV is my class. I usually watch CNN to get information about what is going on in the world.

If I can get an internet connection at my house, I'll be on it in a heart beat. I use the internet to check email, go on Facebook, download music, and just fool around. I think the internet is one of the greatest inventions to this world as we know it. Without the internet, people would have limited ways of communication and that would be rough for a lot of people because communicating is important to everyday life. Last night, I got on the internet to order books, check email, and look at to read a few things that I didn't have time to watch on TV.

I listen to my iPod the least out of all the sources of media that I use everyday. I listen to it when I am in the gym, in my car, and as an alarm to wake up to in the morning. That's it. I used to play music when I was about to take a nap or go to bed for the night, but I dont find that as useful anymore.

I don't like to read hardcopies of anything (e.g. newspapers, books, magazines) so that is the least likeliest source of media that I come into contact with. The only time I really look at magazine is if it is sitting in the mailbox, or if I am sitting in an airport and need to stay occupied.

Media runs the world as I see it, because anyone you ask will be lying to you if they say they dont use the media for anything. It is hard to imagine a day without some sort of TV show, video game, website, song, or text message.